Serverless Architecture for Java Spring Boot Applications: A Complete Guide

In today’s world, developers want to focus more on writing code and less on managing infrastructure. Serverless computing allows you to do just that — providing a model where you only need to worry about your application code, and the cloud provider takes care of provisioning, scaling, and maintaining the servers. In this blog, we will walk you through how to implement serverless architecture for a Java Spring Boot application, specifically using AWS Lambda.

Let’s dive into what serverless architecture is, why you should use it, and how to deploy a Spring Boot application on AWS Lambda with minimal configuration.

What is Serverless Architecture?

Serverless computing is a cloud computing execution model where the cloud provider dynamically manages the infrastructure. In a serverless environment, developers write code that responds to events, but they do not need to provision or manage servers. Popular examples of serverless services are AWS Lambda, Google Cloud Functions, and Azure Functions.

The benefits of serverless include:

  • Cost Efficiency: You pay only for the compute time you use (per request or execution time).
  • Scalability: The cloud provider automatically scales your application based on demand.
  • Simplicity: Developers can focus on business logic without worrying about infrastructure maintenance.

Why Use Serverless with Java and Spring Boot?

Java, especially with Spring Boot, is a popular choice for building microservices. But many developers hesitate to use it in serverless environments due to potential cold start issues (longer startup times in AWS Lambda). However, with the right setup, Java and Spring Boot can run efficiently in serverless environments.

Here are some reasons why Spring Boot is a good fit for serverless:

  • Embedded Servers: Spring Boot comes with embedded servers (like Tomcat, Jetty, or Undertow), making it easier to deploy as a self-contained service.
  • Large Ecosystem: Spring Boot has built-in integrations for databases, security, messaging, and much more — useful in building serverless microservices.
  • Event-Driven Architecture: Serverless applications typically follow event-driven architectures, and Spring Boot supports asynchronous programming, making it a perfect match.

Setting Up Your Spring Boot Application for Serverless

1. Create a Spring Boot Application

First, let’s create a simple Spring Boot application. You can quickly generate a Spring Boot project using Spring Initializr.

  1. Open the Spring Initializr.
  2. Choose Maven as the project type, Java as the language, and Spring Boot version (2.x recommended).
  3. Add dependencies like:
    • Spring Web
    • Spring Boot DevTools (optional for development)
  4. Click Generate, download the .zip file, and unzip it in your workspace.

Here’s a simple HelloWorldController for demonstration:

package com.example.demo;

import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.GetMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController;

public class HelloWorldController {

    public String hello() {
        return "Hello from Spring Boot on AWS Lambda!";

2. Add AWS Lambda Dependencies

Next, we need to make the Spring Boot app compatible with AWS Lambda. We can use the AWS Serverless Java Container framework to run Spring Boot on Lambda.

Add these dependencies to your pom.xml:


3. Create the Lambda Handler Class

AWS Lambda requires a handler class to process requests. We can extend the SpringBootRequestHandler to integrate Spring Boot with AWS Lambda.

Here’s the LambdaHandler:

package com.example.demo;

import com.amazonaws.serverless.exceptions.ContainerInitializationException;
import com.amazonaws.serverless.proxy.internal.LambdaContainerHandler;
import com.amazonaws.serverless.proxy.spring.SpringLambdaContainerHandler;

public class LambdaHandler implements RequestHandler<Object, Object> {

    private static final SpringLambdaContainerHandler<Object, Context> handler;

    static {
        try {
            handler = LambdaContainerHandler.getAwsProxyHandler(SpringApplication.class);
        } catch (ContainerInitializationException e) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Failed to initialize Spring Application Context", e);

    public Object handleRequest(Object input, Context context) {
        return handler.proxy(input, context);

4. Build the Application

Now, build your Spring Boot application into a deployable .jar file:

mvn clean package

Deploying Your Spring Boot Application to AWS Lambda

We’ll deploy our Spring Boot application using AWS SAM (Serverless Application Model), which makes it easy to define and deploy serverless resources.

1. Create the SAM Template

Create a template.yaml file to define the AWS resources (Lambda function and API Gateway). This YAML file will describe how Lambda and API Gateway interact with your Spring Boot app.

Here’s an example template.yaml:

AWSTemplateFormatVersion: '2010-09-09'
Transform: AWS::Serverless-2016-10-31

    Type: AWS::Serverless::Function
      Handler: com.example.demo.LambdaHandler::handleRequest
      Runtime: java11
      CodeUri: target/demo-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
      MemorySize: 1024
      Timeout: 30
          Type: Api
            Path: /hello
            Method: GET

2. Deploy Using AWS SAM CLI

Before deploying, ensure you have the AWS SAM CLI installed.

  1. Build the SAM Application:
    sam build
  2. Deploy the Application:
    sam deploy --guided

    Follow the prompts to configure your deployment. After deployment, AWS SAM will provide a URL to access the API Gateway, which is connected to your Lambda function.

  3. Test the Application:Once deployed, you should see a URL provided by AWS API Gateway. Open the URL in your browser to test the endpoint. You should receive the response:
    Hello from Spring Boot on AWS Lambda!

Performance Optimization and Monitoring

While AWS Lambda scales automatically, Java-based applications can face cold start issues (slower startup times). To reduce cold start times:

  • Keep the function warm by invoking it periodically using AWS CloudWatch Events.
  • Optimize the deployment package by removing unused dependencies.

For monitoring, use AWS CloudWatch to track logs and performance metrics. Configure Spring Boot logging to send logs to CloudWatch for easy debugging.


By following this guide, you’ve successfully deployed a Java Spring Boot application on AWS Lambda, embracing serverless architecture. This setup provides a cost-effective and scalable solution, where AWS handles the infrastructure, allowing you to focus on building and optimizing your application.

For further learning, explore more advanced serverless features like event-driven architectures, AWS Step Functions, and integrating databases in serverless environments.